S.C.A. Ltd has established and constantly maintains a reputation for excellence by providing effective quality to its Customers. We encourage the active committment of all our employees in the continuous improvement of the business through pursuit of absolute quality, with the strong belief that quality is a natural product of motivated people.
ISO 9001:2015
S.C.A. has implemented a certified Quality Management System (QMS) in full compliance with ISO 9001:2015 international management standards.
The standard is based on a number of quality management principles including a strong customer focus, the motivation and implication of top management, the process approach and continual improvement, ensuring that customers get consistent, good quality products and services, which in turn brings many business advantages to all parties involved.
We exclusively employ or make use of services providers, suppliers and sub contractors that either are ISO certified or completely adhere in principle and deed to the Quality Management Principles as set forth and applied in our Quality Management System and Procedures.
Customer Satisfaction is continuously measured and reviewed in order to identify targets for improvement and timely implementation of corrective and preventive action, where and when needed.
S.C.A. has issued a Quality Policy and is fully committed to further development and application of its certified Quality Management System, focusing on its continuous improvement, aiming to identify and even better satisfy all Customers' needs.
ISO 14001:2015
S.C.A. has implemented a certified Environmental Management System (EMS) in full compliance with ISO 14001:2015 international management standards.
The standard is based on a number of environmental management principles including: the identification of main environmental aspects of our activity and the evaluation of the significant ones, the fixing of periodical environmental objectives and the commitment of all parts of the Organisation in the achievement of environmental objectives, the periodical control and review of environmental performance, status of achievement environmental objectives and environmental policy.
S.C.A. exclusively employs or make use of services providers, suppliers and sub contractors that either are ISO 14001:2015 certified or completely adhere in principle and deed to the Environmental Management Principles as set forth and applied in our Environmental Management System and Procedures.
S.C.A. commitment is always to prevent any environmental non conformity during the provision of services to the Customer, and assures in any case that any environmental non conformity is managed in accordance to ISO 14001:2015 requirements.
S.C.A. has issued an Environmental Policy and is fully committed to further development and application of its certified Environmental Management System, focusing on its continuous improvement of its Environmental Management System and performances.
ISO 45001:2018
S.C.A. has implemented a certified Occupational Health and Safety Management System in full compliance with ISO 45001:2018 international management standards.
The standard enables an organization to proactively improve its Health & Safety performance in preventing injury and ill-health and to integrate other aspects of health and safety, such as worker wellness/wellbeing without exempting the company from strict compliance with the corresponding legal obligations on the matter.
The rigorous implementation of an Occupational Health & Safety policy allows the opportunity to identify the hazards and risks associated with our activity and to monitor them in order to mitigate, minimize or nullify their potential effects.
The absence or minimization of H&S issues enhances the operational performance of the company as a whole and, as a direct consequence, customers' satisfaction.
S.C.A. traditional commitment to have zero accidents at work is now further magnified by the adoption of this standard that we also encourage in the internal organizations of our service providers, suppliers, subcontractors and teaming partners.
ISO 22000:2018
S.C.A. has implemented a certified Food Safety Management System in full compliance with ISO 22000:2018 international management standards.
ISO’s food safety management standards help organizations identify and control food safety hazards. The standard integrates and complements the main elements of ISO 9001, the standard for quality management systems, as well as hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP).
Applicable to all types of producers, ISO 22000 provides reinforced security within the global food supply chain, allowing products to cross borders and supplying people with food that can be trusted.
The standard provides a framework for organizations to develop, implement, monitor and continually improve a food safety management system, (FSMS), within the context of their overall business risks. To comply with the standard, businesses must meet all applicable food safety-related statutory and regulatory requirements.
S.C.A. commitment is always to purchase and supply food items that are free from food-borne hazards at the time of consumption. Since food safety hazards can occur at any stage of the food chain, it is fundamental for adequate control to be in place and that all involved layers are aware and coordinated in achieving the goal. These precautions and concerns not only cover the mere supply of foodstuffs, but also extend to the provision of catering services, whether conveyed or carried out at the customer’s premises.
S.C.A. also issued a CoVid-19 Outbreak Response Plan in the food supply sector, addressing all countermeasures and precautions that have to be implemented within the specific field in order to mitigate and nullify the risks of diseases for the workers and the final consumers.
ISO 27001
S.C.A. has implemented a certified Information Security Management System (ISMS) in full compliance with ISO 27001:2013 international management standards. The standards provide a framework of requirements for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, maintaining and continually improving an ISMS that helps organizations to better manage their information and data, providing an enhanced security for the information assets held.
The rigorous implementation of an ISMS compliant with ISO 27001, in combination with the other best practices deriving from Cyber Essentials Plus Certification, allows our company to maintain and operate a remarkable data protection system, for the security of information both held by us and/or our Customers.
The specification includes details and requirements not only concerning IT, but also other fields, such as human resources security, asset management, access control, operations security, supplier relationships and business continuity management. In fact, the correct and meticulous application of the Standards requires the commitment of - and cooperation among - all departments and branches of the organization.
S.C.A.’s commitment to create and maintain a working environment without information security issues and with a strong protection from cyber-attacks, is a further guarantee of S.C.A.'s professionalism, reliability and innovation provided to all our Customers, subcontractors, subagents and teaming partners.
Cyber Essentials Plus
S.C.A. was issued the IASME Cyber Essentials Plus Certificate for its entire network by Certification Europe.
IASME (Information Assurance for Small and Medium Enterprises) Governance is an international standard recognized as very effective at improving the security of the supply chains for large organizations. It is a fully valid alternative to the international ISO 27001 information assurance standard.
Cyber Essentials Plus is the audited version of the Cyber Essentials information security standard and certifies that strong and reliable technical and procedural controls are in place within our organization in order to mitigate common internet-borne cyber-attacks. The upgrade to the “Plus” version ensures a further level of assurance compared to the basic version, assigned to SCA since 2017.
Among others, Cyber Essentials Plus includes a technical audit of the systems that are in scope for Cyber Essentials. It includes an external vulnerability assessment, an internal scan and an on-site assessment.
The compliance to the requirements of the Cyber Essentials Plus Standard is a crucial prerequisite to ensure the protection of sensitive and personal data of our Customers as well as a riskless environment in which to conduct business online, especially in this pandemic period where working from remote is increasing frequently and necessarily.
Trace Certificate
A globally recognized anti-bribery business organization providing Anti-Bribery Compliance Solutions, has completed a TRACE certification due diligence review of S.C.A. Shipping Consultants Associated Ltd.
Certification by TRACE signifies that S.C.A. Shipping Consultants Associated Ltd. has completed internationally accepted due diligence procedures and has been forthcoming and cooperative during the review process.
TRACE certification underscores S.C.A. Shipping Consultants Associated's commitment to transparency in international commercial transactions.
ISSA Certificate
ISSA (International Ship Supplier Association) is the international association representing nearly 2.000 Ship suppliers throughout the world.
The Association, globally recognized, was formed in 1955 and celebrated its Diamond Jubilee in 2015 of 60 years of service to the maritime industry. SCA is proud to be an active member of ISSA since 2020.
Notwithstanding our experience and the fact that we daily supply several ships around the world, to become ISSA member SCA had to undergo a rigorous vetting procedure.
Having obtained also this certification it’s an additional proof of our capabilities, experience and professionalism.